Keep It Legal
Acting in an illegal fashion or discussion of illegal activities is not allowed. KajouTV is not responsible for anything you say or for any consequences that may arise from your words and actions. Those that break this rule will be the one's held responsible, not KajouTV.
Asking for or providing assistance in obtaining pirated software or media is not permitted. Neither is the use of the Chat Network to circulate or distribute defamatory, obscene, sexual, or other illegal material, text, or images. The use of the Chat Network for chats relating to illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited and requests for help with self-mutilation or suicide will not be tolerated.
No Thanks, We Don't Want Any
The Chat Network is not to be used for commercial purposes without the consent of KajouTV. (this does not include the promotion of on site prints in appropriate channels). This includes spamming or advertising for outside companies.
Accept Responsibility
You are responsible for anything you say while you use the Chat Network and for protecting your own system. You are responsible for any actions you take based on information you receive online. Use your own judgment when evaluating information provided through the use of the network.
Please don't give out personal information like passwords and credit card details online.
Abusing Public Communication/Spamming
Avoid spamming or flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text) in an official room. We ask you not to do this as it disrupts the flow of chat for other users.
The posting of unsolicited advertisements for KajouTV profiles, chatrooms, deviations, external web pages or large random copy / paste of texts is also considered spamming. It's rude to ask everyone to visit your page or website, also, large amounts of text are disruptive to the flow of chat.
Harassment/Inappropriate Language
Inappropriate language can include any language that in any way looks like, sounds like, or abbreviates any of the following: profanity, sexual content, explicit language, inappropriate references to sexual preferences, or offensive remarks (such as racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual).
We may remove anyone who advocates or encourages expressions of violence, bigotry, racist, or hatred as we see fit.
Actions that either incite or encourage others to violate these and other policies will not be tolerated.
We encourage our members to treat each other with respect. Do not threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others.
Other Things To Note
We expect the mood of rooms to remain civil at all times. For this reason we ask that you keep personal issues in private and that you not use official rooms as a place to fight and argue. If such an event should happen then an Community Volunteer will step in and take whatever action is deemed necessary.
Because this a global community, people of many nationalities and languages can be found in the chatrooms. To help the KajouTV staff, all official chatrooms are Frensh, Creyol and English speaking rooms only. This is so that we can moderate the rooms and help people where necessary to the best of our abilities. However, there are many unofficial channels which are multi-lingual for your use.
Moderation and Bans
Bans are set at the discretion of the Community Volunteer setting the ban. The minimum period for any ban is 1 day (24 hours) and can be anything up to indefinite. If you have a query about a ban in an official room then you can inquire about it by sending us an email or call our tech team.
The creation or use of existing accounts for the purpose of ban evasion is not tolerated and will result in the extension of the ban period, as well as a possible ban on all alternate accounts from the Chat Network and KajouTV itself.
General Information
All Official chatrooms are supported and moderated by the Community Volunteer Team and KajouTV Tech Team.
Unofficial Chatroom Content
The Chat Network is for everyone and we welcome you for almost any reason you like, whether it be for music discussion, to find people in your area, or to trade art and photography. However, there are a few types of rooms that we do not allow:
Sexual Themes: We do not allow deviations of an explicit sexual nature on KajouTV and so we do not allow rooms that are for the discussion of explicit sexual topics. The use of rooms for "cybersex", sexual roleplay, or the acting out of sexual situations, is also not allowed.
Self-Mutilation and Suicide: Rooms for the purpose of discussing or glorifying the practice of "cutting", or any type of suicide and self-mutilation are not allowed
Warez/Cracks/Serials/File Sharing: We do not allow any room created for the purpose of distributing or encouraging the distribution of illegal software, serial numbers or cracks.
Users who create a room or started a topic that violates any of the above policies will have their room closed, and an appropriate punishment, which can range from a warning to a Chat Network ban or site-wide ban. If you are not sure if your room or your topic falls within the guidelines, please feel free to talk to one of the Community Volunteers or KajouTV Tech Team.
The above list is not all-inclusive and there may be situations where a room violates the etiquette policy in another way. In these cases, the KajouTV Team will make the final decision regarding the room. If your room has been closed, you may contact us for help to file an appeal, and the situation will be investigated. However, please note that we will only discuss Administrative action regarding channels with the Channel Founders.
If you find a chatroom or anyone that is violating the policy, please contact the KajouTV Tech Team to report it or contact a member of the Community Volunteer Team for help.
Community Volunteers will only take action in unofficial chatrooms in cases of extreme abuse, violation of KajouTV's general Chat Network policies, or where the integrity of KajouTV or the Chat Network is at stake. Please contact the room's founders and moderators before seeking to involve the Community Volunteers. If you experience extreme forms of harassment in a user-created channel, please notify a member of the Community Volunteer Team by sending us an email.
When taking action in unofficial rooms, the Community Volunteers will always use KajouTV policies as a guide for suitable action.